Market Update | Mar 21
Jon Granston | March 21, 2024
Jon Granston | March 21, 2024
Top Headlines: Delivered by Leonard Steinberg
March 21, 2024
01 California is the most populous US state home to Hollywood, Silicon Valley and a real estate market worth more than $9 trillion....
03 Will TIK-TOK be banned in the US? Many real estate agents have used this as a marketing tool over the past few years.....what might replace it should this happen?
04 Might ALDI be the solution to food-flation? The German mega discount food market, better known outside of the US, plans to open 800 stores in the US with a $9 billion investment! A good food store is almost always a healthy neighborhood addition.
05 An interesting trend emerged on the runways of Paris recently as they featured more mature to older wealthy consumers is simply smart business!
(NY Times)